Summer vacation will be here before we know it and a new federal law could ruin your trip if you aren't ready! All the way back in 2005, Congress voted in the Real ID Act to go into effect in 2008. The goal of Real ID was to "set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses and identification cards". This would make it easy for TSA agents around the Country to review licenses quickly, spot fakes and add a layer of security when we fly domestically.
The first hurdle was getting the Governments and States to agree what formats would meet this requirement. As of 2018 only 28 states were certified acceptable and began issuing these IDS. Not all states became compliant until 2020 and than we know what happened that year! Second, sadly, it is difficult to staff for and process the estimated 233 million drivers licenses in the US. It’s hard for people to make their way to the DMV, have all the "extra points" now needed and than receive this special new endorsed license. The start date for Real ID has changed several times in the last 19 years (crazy right) but we believe there will be no more extensions.
Knowing that, how does this impact you? Starting May 7, 2025 age 18 and over, flying domestically must either have a Real ID or a passport or you will not be allowed past security! This also impacts entrance to many federal buildings.
If you are worried this sounds complicated, we’ve got some tips to make it easier.
In New Jersey, you must have an appointment to get real ID. There are lots of appointments available if your license is due for renewal in the next 3 months. There are slim picking if you license isn’t close to expiring but you need the ID. Either way, you can see the available appointments online. If you need a non-renewal appointment and can’t get one, keep trying. They add more slots and people cancel. You can also keep your eyes out for the mobile DMV truck or ask your representatives to request the truck come to your district. If you are really stuck, we suggest going the expedited passport route. You can get those back in just a few weeks.
Real ID requires 7 points of ID. As someone who sometimes uses a middle initial, has a hyphenated last name but sometimes uses one name or the other, this was really hard for me. They are VERY strict about enough exact match IDs. So, you may need to update your bank account or credit cards to match your current license exactly before taking the day to go to DMV. I watched many people get turned down and have to come back another day. I also suggest bringing at least 3 extra points of ID so if they disallow something you have a back up!
UPDATE: On March 4, the NJDMV, has announced “REAL ID Thursdays” will be available for booking starting Friday morning, March 14. This will allow an additional 4500 appointments a week! Stay tuned.
Some popular questions about traveling with Real ID:
Q: We are vacationing May 2-9, 2025. Do I need Real ID since my vacation starts before this goes into effect?
A: Yes, you will need Real ID. You will not need it for your outbound flight but every flight is independent so you will need it to return on the 9th.
Q: Do my children need this?
A: No Real ID is for those 18 and over. Children do not require any ID to fly domestically. That said, if you have a lap child (Under 2, you may be required to show a birth certificate) and it is highly recommend children 16 and over carry a a license if they have one or a school ID.
Q: I am flying with my children but not my spouse, does that change anything.
A: No, Real ID doesn't care who you travel with. That said, we always recommend a notarized letter to travel without a parent.
Q: My child is flying as a UM (Unaccompanied Minor) do they need Real ID or other ID.
A: No, this is not related to UMs, again, children do not need ID. However, the designated UM pick up person, will need a Real ID in order to meet the flight.
Q: I am not sure if I have a Real ID. Is there an easy way to know?
A: Yes, your ID must have one of these 5 symbols in the top right corner.
Hopefully, this helps debunk some of the Real ID mystery.
Note: There is a small amount of leeway as this goes into effect. TSA Agents have the option to give a warning instead of turning you away but we do not recommend you plan on their generosity.
Now we’ve made it past the tough part so grab the sunscreen, getting pack and enjoy your well deserved vacation. Plus after all of this, I think you’ve earned a spa treatment!